In order to save the newsrack, it was necessary to destroy it
Movie Promotion Confused With Bomb in L.A. Saturday April 29, 2006 11:16 PM "SANTA CLARITA, Calif. (AP) - A newspaper promotion for Tom Cruise's upcoming ``Mission: Impossible III'' got off to an explosive start when a county arson squad blew up a news rack, thinking it contained a bomb. Can't .... breathe ..... must ...... stop ....... laughing ....... Bwaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. ![]() Bwaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. The first thing the very first thing a responsible felix does is to assess the threat level including, quite particularly and especially including whether a sodding threat exists in the first place. Whatever unfuckingbelievably unforgivably pathetically unprofessional shitbag was the officer involved in this monumental display of incompetence and grandstanding needs to be flung off the nearest high building sans parachute for the protection of the public. Christ protect anyone unfortunate enough to be dependent upon muscleminded tankbrained stupid numbskulled incompetent assholes like that in a real crisis. (Then they wonder why people who really have experience of dealing with terrorist threats and of cleaning up the aftermath despise them as incompetent grandstanding twats.) Fucking hell, somebody should print that article and arrange for it to be sent to Osama Bin-Laden it's guaranteed to incapacitate him for years as it's difficult to run a terrorist organisation while rolling on the floor shrieking with laughter. Incompetent fuckwits. markfromireland |