Sunday, September 10, 2006

Up Against The Wall

I rarely cover what's going on in the occupied territory's. It's not that I'm not interested, and not that I'm not appalled. It's that there are only 24 hours in the day and the primary focus for this blog is the suffering imposed upon Iraqi civilians, in particular her children, by the American occupation of Iraq. Gert whose blog you'll find linked in the blogroll to the left and who comments here has asked me to bring "False Dichotomies" to your attention:

False Dichotomies is run by Alex Stein formerly the Abba Eban Scholar in International Relations (M.Phil) at Queens' College, Cambridge and who now works as an Israeli freelance writer and educator based in Jerusalem. His email address is'. His description of False Dichotomies is that is:

"An attempt to understand the world through unravelling its false dichotomies."

At present he's trying to spread the word about the likely fate of Al Nue'man a village south-east of Jerusalem here's his description:

"In the past week, the falsedichotomies team took a trip to Al Nue'man, south-east of Jerusalem. This village seems set to be forced to make way for Har Homa D, and the Jerusalem ring-road. Below, in 'Rabbit in the Headlights', Seth Freedman describes the trip. Then, in 'Village on the Line', I offer some background to the situation, as well as 'prospects' for the future. I will soon have pictures from the trip - if anyone is interested, be in touch - Please spread the word about Al Nue'man - it's a tragic situation that's unlikely to be widely reported."

As Gert put it in his request these postings are "concrete evidence of the perversion that Israel's "security wall" actually is." Strongly recommended, and as I wouldn't ask you to do anything that I wouldn't do, I'll conclude by saying that I'll definitely be going back to False Dichotomies to read more of Alex Stein's writings.


Update: I have updated Alex Stein's details at his request to include his email address and to reflect that he is now practising as a freelance writer and educator based in Jerusalem. - mfi