Little People
![]() As you read headlines in which George Bush, Condoleeza Rice, Jack Straw, welcome the the nomination of Jawad al-Maliki as Iraq's prime minister designate you need to remember something. Remember that those self-same American and British politicians created the conditions that caused this child's death. Her blood is on their hands quite as much as it is on the hands of those who killed this child directly. Responsibility for this child's murder rests squarely on the shoulders of the American and European policy makers who were determined to break up Iraq and who did not care then and do not care now what it takes to achieve that breakup or who is killed or maimed as a result. Iraqi children, American, British, Danish soldiers are all.... little people .... to such as Condoleeza Rice, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, or Anders Føgh-Rasmussen. Ignore their crocodile tears for crocodile tears is all they are. You should also ignore their ![]() There is nothing wrong with enlightened self-interest it and compassion are the basis both of morality and of civilisation. If you do not care enough about the children of Iraq to try to hold your politicians to account you should at least care about your own. As you struggle to pay the increased costs of living that have risen because of these parasites, their corruption, their arrrogance, their utter disregard of the consequences of their actions for you and your family get angry enough to care enough about your own children for they too, like you, ![]() The only thing that people such as this care about is wealth and prestige it is almost too late. It is almost but not quite too late you can fight back and you can win. In the US more and more people, people like you, are starting to realise that these parasites have made an alliance to not only hijack the constitution but to hijack your livelihood and that of your children. It is in their interest but not in yours to concentrate ever more power into the hands of a tiny proportion of the American public. It is in their interest but not in yours to concentrate ever more wealth into the hands of a few corporations whose interests are to be looked after by a phalanx of Jack Abramoffs. It is in their interest but not in yours to keep you permanently struggling with bills for such elementary rights as medicine. It is in their interest but not in yours to keep you permanently in a state were you either have no savings or constantly have to dip into them to pay for the basics. But they're vulnerable, all it takes is a little effort and you're not alone.
Click here to learn more. Or if you're already worried enough about what these people are doing to you send an email with only the name of your home state in the subject line to: stateproject at gmail dot com markfromireland |