Have A Xanax
Baghdad Deteriorates Further: According to the green zone government last week saw a massive increase in the number "internally displaced families" in Iraq. This brings the green zone government's own statistics to 35,593 families who have registered as having been forced to flee their homes. The ministry reported last week that a total of 33,153 families were victims of forced evictions. As you might expect most were from the northern, southern and western areas of Baghdad, the three districts particularly hard hit were:
The ministry issues weekly statistics for displaced families. The figures show that the phenomenon is on the rise. The problem with their figures, as they themselves admit, is that their figures are woefully incomplete. Many, perhaps even most IDFs don't register with the green zone government for assistance, they go for help either to relatives, or if they're not able to do that they ask a local mosque for assistance. Quick Round Up:
Before I wrote this posting I did a quick scan through reports from:
Here are the results:
That's a tiny fraction of the daily misery brought to Iraq by America's illegal, racist, and brutal occupation of Iraq. When I said "quick scan," I mean it took me less than, considerably less than, five minutes. It took me longer to translate and type out the highly abreviated list above. Then I read this garbage from Gee Martha It Talks!
The strain on Iraqi's psyche of having their country riven apart and seeing their families drown in a river of blood doesn't count of course. They're only brown people and guilty moreover of being Muslims what's important is the strain on the American psyche. Well boo hoo - Here have a xanax. |