Dancing For Joy
Yes it's ugly. Don't even think of criticising them. Their home has been brutalised for years, their families starved, their loved ones slaughtered, they've been treated with brutality and contempt by America and her allies all their lives. Did you expect them to love you? It will be generations before the evil unleashed by decades of Western racist corrupt thieving brutality dies down - and that's an optimistic estimate. Me? My attitude to mercenaries is well known. There's no difference between a mercenary and a mafia hitman. I shed no tears when a mercenary meets their fate. markfromireland Update: Doing a bit of reading around it appears that the attack on the mercenary convoy was in Ad-Dora as I keep on pointing out that's the same Ad-Dora that's been "pacified" repeatedly and is under "special protection." -mfi |