Sunday, October 29, 2006

MarkFromIreland Invites Your Critique

"Today In Iraq" is getting a makeover

Today In Iraq Version 2 Screen Shot

Some time ago Matt asked on behalf of the editors for somebody with web coding skills to contact him with a view to fixing the various bugs in the code for Today In Iraq and give the place a general make over.

As I've a lot of experience in the field and for a while was a lecturer in the topic, I volunteered, and am now TII's site administrator in my "spare time."

I'm developing a new site structure for "Today in Iraq" and at this point the code is sufficiently bug free that I'm running it in parallel at this location:

I plan on running the parallel site for about a month. Thereafter I'll migrate the code and republish "Today In Iraq" so that it takes on its new structure and appearance.

The aim is that the place should have the "look and feel" of a professional news site.

I'll be staying on as site admin after the "new look" is launched. Partly to provide on-going assistance to the editors, and partly to make sure that when launch their new version 2.0 of blogspot that there's as little dispruption as possible to the readers and editors.

I'd be very grateful if you'd take the time to look over the new design and leave a comment there on your thoughts. Thanks.
