Klannish Kartoon Kapers (Oh Fuck Part 2)
How am I feeling? Let me list a few of the the emotions I'm feeling:
Polite Notice :-) I invite your comments as always, I emphasise however that this is my site, it is an electronic extension of my physical home, and as such my standards of behaviour are the standards that apply. If you choose to abuse this part of my home by making bigotted, offensive, churlish, or racist remarks, irrespective of to whom they are directed, I will treat you as I would an ill-trained dog and rub your nose in your own filth by re-writing your comment as I see fit. Update No:1 by Erdla: I am linking to an article by Juan Cole pointed out by Grania. American readers should read it. They should particularly need to read the comments the articly is The Politics of Race and Religion in Denmark. I know that Mháircaish has much to say on this topic and as he is "nydansk" himself I will leave it to him. English speakers need to realise something very important the current government is made up of a conservative party (Konservativ) and a hard right wing party (Venstre,) they depend for power on the support of an extreme right parti (Danske Folkeparti.) The names are often translated in a way that misleads English speeking people. Venstre is often translated either as "left" or as "liberal" both of these give the wrong meaning to anglophones. "Left" is completely wrong and "liberal" means in the 19th century German use of the word. "Danske Folkeparti" means the "Danish Peoples Party" - they are extreme right wing think BNP if you are English. Think very slight to left David Duke if you American. |