Cleaners Children Coffins
Wasn't it clever of the invading army not to bother guarding the armouries until after they'd been well and truly looted? Perhaps they were recovering from Mr. Tenet's "slam dunk" and were waiting for the promised hordes of little fluffy bunnies to show up and shower them with rosewater and flowers. I suppose this child was lucky in a way. Somebody was nearby who was able to rush him to a hospital, the hospital wasn't so full of casualties that he was turned away. Of course like most urban hospitals in Iraq Yarmouk hospital isn't exactly in the best of shape. Just another day in the overstretched hospital system brought to Iraqi children and street cleaners by the effects of the American led occupation of Iraq. Quite a quiet day really, quiet enough that this child was able to be treated. So he was a lucky child. He was a hell of a lot luckier than his twelve year old friend who was killed in the same attack ends markfromireland Notes: Code cleaned up and posted by me for markfromireland who is having problems with an unreliable connection |