Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I didn't sign up to kill women and children ... Now that I look back at it we are the terrorists

"Sgt. Gehlen said...
If you want to know what the U.S. military and Coalition troops are really up to, check out the CENTCOM website: www.centcom.mil.

Sgt. Gehlen
U.S. Central Command Public Affairs"

From the comments to yesterday's posting "It's All Right Baby's Coming Home"

"I'm not saying it's right what they did but if some people came into my .... came into America ... a huge foreign army they're doing the crap that we did to them i would just do the same thing back people people have the right to fight for their families and for their country and especially if we're terrorising someone's country they have the right to fight back and I don't blame them I would do the same thing .....

"When we were doing the night raids in the houses, we would pull people out and have them all on their knees and zip-tied. We would ask the man of the house questions. If he didn't answer the way we liked, we would shoot his youngest kid in the head. We would keep going, this was our interrogation......

"I felt wrong I felt disgusted you know with myself because I had to make myself hate them in order to do my job I had to make myself not think of them as people

".... I didn't keep count but I'd say by my hand along almost 200 people you know that were taken out by me .....

" a lot of them at close range ....

"they would actually feel the hot muzzle of my rifle ....

"I didn't sign up to kill women and children .... ...... .......

"The government's doing so much to not let us be heard the major media they don't play a lot of stuff ...

"It needs to stop for my family's sake and for the rest of the world's sake ...

(21 mins 33 seconds)

(You may need to get flashplayer to see this film)

"It's as if the more Americans find out about what is going on in Iraq the less they want to know and the less certain elements in the media want to tell them......

"They're trying to sanitise this war and you can't sanitise it......

"Now how can you measure progress?......

"They had no plan for success Chris this is the thing that I'm so disturbed about .....

"The responsibility goes right to the top ............

"Don't let anybody make you think God chose America as his divine messianic force to be a sort of policeman of the whole world. God has a way of standing before the nations with justice and it seems I can hear God saying to America "you are too arrogant, and if you don't change your ways, I will rise up and break the backbone of your power ....."

Martin Luther King Jr.


Site News: You'll likely notice a few changes over the next while to how the site looks and behaves. For example the links list is currently disabled. This is becuase I'm rewriting some of the code and "normal service will resume shortly ... or whenever I get around to debugging the css, whichever comes first.

Update: Having just read a posting on another blog I'd better make it clear that I take the Jesse Mac Beth interview with a lot of salt. I'd better make clear here in the body of the posting what has already been made clear in the comments. There are good reasons to suspect that Jesse MacBeth is to put it kindly at the very least greatly exagerrating his military experience. There are all sorts of details that are suspicious ranging from his uniform to the lenght of tour of duty to the fact that he confuses two different types of units. That was why I juxtaposed his film clip with the clip of Rep: Murtha about whom there is no such doubt.