Saturday, March 25, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Researching the Fundamentalist and Dominionist Right
It used to be assumed that religion would become a weaker force and that zealotry would weaken as western liberal materialism exerted increasing power in the world. The opposite as we know has proved to be the case and for those who regrard this as an alarming development it is essential to understand what we're dealing with. Fundamentalism and Western materialism are engaged in a destructive symbiosis and spur each other on to ever greater excesses. I'm often asked "where do I start?" This posting suggests a few resources: Book Karen Armstrong's "The Battle for God: Fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam " [Amazon US] [Amazon UK] is both well written and meticulously researched. I've provided two links above if you're outside the US/UK or prefer not to deal with Amazon this A9 search might be helpful. Online Resouces Yurica report (US) - you sometimes need to take her interpretation of the facts with a bit of salt but she knows her stuff. Her article - "The despoiling of America" is the one to start with. Theocracy watch Theocracy watch documents "The Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party a public information project from" has a lot of documentation. The site is very well organised and I hit it regularly. Finally there's the indispensable Rightweb
If you're new to rightweb I suggest you start on their About page |
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
In which the gorilla talks dirty
Evil: "In a large sense, may be described as the sum of the opposition, which experience shows to exist in the universe, to the desires and needs of individuals; whence arises, among humans beings at least, the sufferings in which life abounds. Thus evil, from the point of view of human welfare, is what ought not to exist." If you're offended by strong language you might as well stop reading at this point. mfi. "You know some of them are killers!" Pat Robertson the man who makes money from gambling scams, who uses taxpayer's money so that his private plane can get child-slave produced blood diamonds onto the market. Who calls openly for the murder of democratically elected foreign heads of state and who together with his puke makingly fat bumbuddy the so-called "Reverend Falwell" (the one wants all the Jews back in Israel so that they can be massacred by the anti-Christ as a prelude to Armageddon ) is at it again. Yes the same little fuckwad who founded Regent's "university" using money from war and slavery so that come the day his minions are trained to rule the earth as yes you guessed it, you can't make this shit up, Regents is at it again. This time his excuse is a book by the right wing extremist "thinker" David Horowitz called “The Professors: The 101 most dangerous academics in America.” ROBERTSON: Ladies and gentleman this is a fascinating book. If you want to, you'd better take your blood pressure medicine before you read it, but it's "The Professors: The 101 most dangerous academics in America" and that's just a short [source: PFA you can watch the little shitbag here if your stomach can take it [WMP format] or here [QT format] There comes a point at which being polite doesn't work. So Pat, - Fuck you, fuck the sow that farrowed you, fuck the bitch you mated with, and fuck your pewling thieving brat. That goes for the hate-ridden quasi human sheep who masturbate their entirely justified inferiority complexes in your "church" and who watch your broadcasts. The broadcasts you paid for with those diamonds. You know Pat the diamonds mined by kids the kids who's homes and lives were wrecked by your pal's machete wielding rapist thugs: "I was in the northeastern part of the Congo, which is right on Lake Albert. It's the part of the Democratic Republic of Congo that borders Uganda and is extremely rich in mineral resources like diamonds, gold, and cobalt. MSF responded to two major emergencies during my time in the field. In February, thousands of people began to flee the fighting between warring factions. Most of our patients came from the two major camps in Ituri, Tche and Kakwa, where people have sought refuge from the recent outbreak of violence. During the month I spent in Bunia, Tche grew from 2,000 to 10,000 people. And Kakwa expanded to around 7,000 people from 1,000. Link to full article below: Mary Ann Hopkins - New York Surgeon who worked with MSF My grateful thanks to Helen for the tip-off. For some reason Amazon isn't letting me login so the link for anyone who wants to write a review of Horowitz's latest dung offering is here. mfi |
Say hello to valley girl
Valleygirl and I "know" one another via Firedoglake where we both comment. She's started her her own blog ValleyGirlSez drop over and say "hello" |
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Voices of America
" After 9/11, many Americans had no idea why there was so much anger and rage in the Middle East, especially against the United States. All their lives, Americans had been taught that foreign policy was for federal “experts” and, thus, they had chosen not to concern themselves with what their federal officials were doing to people abroad. Innocently believing that federal overseas personnel, including the CIA and the military, had been helping foreigners for decades, Americans had no reason to doubt the official U.S. pronouncement immediately after 9/11: “We are innocent. The terrorists hate us for our freedom and values. That’s why they have attacked us.” Here's the second voice. I wonder if this man realises the growing fury amongst ordinary decent Americans at the way in which he and his kind have dragged America into the gutter and dragged their fellow countrymen into harm's way. Americans are rightly proud of what their forebears managed to build in America. I wonder if he realises how very nasty ordinary decent people can become when they discover that their trust has been betrayed and their children and livelihoods endangered. Probably not. "Many Americans simply wish the Arabs would go away; others wish to blow them away -- and wish to blow them away not because they see this step as inevitable Here's a third voice, not an American this time the similarity between this man and Lee Harris who wrote the article quoted above is chilling and utterly unsurprising. Both Ramzi Ahmed Yousef and Lee Harris are your enemies. Of the two Harris and his kind are far more dangerous. Fortunately you can do something about Harris - treat him and his kind with the contempt they deserve. "The government in its summations and opening said that I was a terrorist. Yes, I am a terrorist and I am proud of it. And I support terrorism so long as it was against the United States Government and against Israel, because you are more than terrorists; you are the one who invented terrorism and using it every day. You are butchers, liars and hypocrites. (Ramzi Ahmed Yousef)" You can do something about Ramzi Ahmed Yousef too treat him as what he is a murderer and a criminal, you can demand that American governments stop creating the conditions in which he thrives. And you can leave it to ordinary Muslims to root out and destroy his ilk. They're more outraged by their religion being defiled by murder than you can imagine. Stop the opression and the problems associated with it begin to be solved. |