A Tableau Of Incompetence, Greed And Disastrous Planning
We are guilty of many errors and many faults but our worst crime is abandoning the children, neglecting the fountain of life. Many of the things we need can wait. The child cannot. Right now is the time his bones are being formed, his blood is being made, and his senses are being developed. To him we cannot answer "Tomorrow." His name is "Today." â Gabriela Mistral.
Saudi fighters 'are leading the surge in attacks on British troops' By Thomas Harding, Defence Correspondent, and Max Benitz Source: You can read the whole farago from the Daily Telegraph here. "They look at you in mild surprise markfromireland |
From today's comments at Today In Iraq"This is the typical crap that liberial will spill forward. They never mention the good things that are accomplished or how in a ratio to population more people die in DC than in Iraq. Same guy same place: "You people are so busy hating Bush that even if the good things of the war were brought to your face (not hard to find them) you would say they are wrong...If you were actually debating someone in person, they would easily rip your ideas on the war apart. There's really only one response a civilised human being can give: I hope all the good things of war come to you and your loved ones very, very soon, JOkerr. I hope they come with the same abundance that the current US government has brought to Iraq. And I hope you and yours get the exact same level of medical care as the Iraqi people get. (((((Susan))))) markfromireland |
Bush's change in tone did not signal a change in policies, however. He and Blair refused to set a timetable for This is of course the same "troubled" and"humbler Bush" who learned of Haditha from the media. No Mr. Bush your biggest mistake was believing you could launch an illegal and racist war and get away with it. And now you think that pretending to be "troubled" and "humble" and coming close to snivelling openly at the memorial day ceremony will somehow rescue you. It won't: markfromireland |
A young boy riding a bicycle looks across at a newly-erected warning sign put up Wednesday, May 31, 2006 on a road around 100 metres from the maternity hospital which Nabiha Nisaif Jassim, 35, a pregnant woman and her 57-year-old cousin Saliha Mohammed Hassan, were driving to for Jassim to give birth when they were killed in Samarra, Iraq Tuesday, May 30, 2006. U.S. forces apparently shot to death two Iraqi women, one of them pregnant, when they fired at a vehicle that failed to stop at an observation post in the town, Iraqi officials and relatives said. Now a few points have to be made:
What does this Iraqi boy have on his handle bars? You see there are some other things I'm wondering about:
There's something else I don't have to wonder about, I don't have to wonder whether this is what President George W. Bush and his puppet master Richard Cheney mean when they talk about a "culture of life" … … at least when it comes to Iraqi "females" who have two "young" … … (not "children" I mean hey she was a brown person let's keep the language consistent here) … … and who "may" be pregnant. markfromireland |
In another town, Iraqis say US killed civilians 31 May 2006 14:55:33 GMT Source: Reuters SAMARRA, Iraq, May 31 (Reuters) - U.S. forces denied on Wednesday a new accusation, from Iraqi officers, that American troops killed unarmed civilians in their home this month. markfromireland [PS: Hi Garth! (waves) - see I told you I visit Centcom - that's 'cos I'm a truthful gorilla - mfi ] |
"Local Tory chief says 'PM's suicide would cheer us up'[snip] Full story here. "In all misfortunes of our friends If I were Yankee Poodle Tony I'd be far more worried about the links that were on that page in Today's UK Independent Also in this section
It doesn't matter what their father did or is suspected of doing, no civilised army takes children hostage until their father surrenders. I'm not going say anything further because to express my feelings I'd have to use language that would require me to ban myself permanently from my own blog. And no I'm not even slightly surprised after all American soldiers have openly admitted using Iraqi children as human shields: "The first time he saw them, Mayer admits that he was making the calculations of a man in the midst of a war. He was tired, he was battered, and he was back at a Hit street corner that he had patrolled many times before. In Iraq, repetition of any sort could be an invitation of the wrong sort - an event for which insurgents could plan. So Mayer and Schuller took out some of the candy they carried, thinking that if children were around, perhaps the terrorists wouldn't attack." and instead of being courtmartialed for it and thrown out of the army in disgrace they get approving articles written about them on Military.com. markfromireland |
I meant to write this posting yesterday but ran out of time. markfromireland |
I missed this telling little detail ...."An American unit attended the funeral to apologise, but not before it had positioned snipers around the mourners, " Because nothing says “I’m sorry” like snipers Respectful knuckling of my gaelic gorilla's brow to today's posting by Zig at Today in Iraq markfromireland |
Read the entire article here. |
![]() If ever there were a perfect metaphor for what's going on in Iraq because the Bush administration decided to launch an illegal and racist war on Iraq with the intention of carving it up, this photo is it. As I sit and type this Monday May 29th 2006 17:25, the reports coming in put the number of killed as at least 33 and "dozens" wounded. ..... Correction make that 35 .... BAGHDAD, Iraq - CBS News said Monday that two of its crew members were killed in an attack on a U.S. military unit in Iraq. Correspondent Kimberly Dozier was seriously wounded, the network saidmarkfromireland Update: as of 19:22 29/05/2006 60 confirmed dead today. mfi |
![]() The Discussing the deployment of British troops to Iraq in a 2006 interview he said he considered himself ultimately accountable to President George W. Bush and nobody else for his actions. He lists his role model in "Who's Who" as Neville Chamberlain, and his greatest pleasure as hearing Richard Cheney calling him a "good boy." Has there ever been so cravenly, abjectly, blatantly, traitorous a British Prime Minister as Tony Blair? Even that misguided appeaser Neville Chamberlain genuinely loved his country and wanted to keep her strong. As I wrote and re-wrote this posting my overwhelming emotions were pity and embarassment for my British friends and relations, and pity and embarassment for the British Servicemen, the British Servicewormen, and British Officers that they should have to risk their lives on behalf of this man. Blair doesn't even have the bad excuse that his country has been violently overrun by foreign troops. Some people choose of their own free will to degrade themselves, to completely and abjectly abase themselves and their country before somebody else.
![]() markfromireland |
I've added two site search forms to the side bar as the blog search provided by blogger.com's blogger bar at the top of the screen is woefully inadequate. Strange really as it's a modified Google search and blogger.com is a division of Google but there you go. . Each of the searches use google to the sidebar. Each confines the search to the site in question, here, or markfromireland. The form which searches my other blog — markfromireland has been included at Ali's, Hussain's, and Peder's, suggestion. At some point I'll create a search page with a clustered search and link to it in the side bar when I get some spare time … … … "spare time" … … … fascinating concept I wonder what it means … … … :-) markfromireland |