Saturday, May 06, 2006
Friday, May 05, 2006
Friday History Quiz Blogging
![]() The picture below show a US soldier at the scene of the bombing "securing the scene." ![]() Let's play a little history game this Friday shall we? What was the name of the last empire whose soldiers goose stepped in the capital of a country conquered in an illegal brutal and racist war like this? Got that? Good let's go for broke: Were they winners or losers? Answers on a post card please to be submitted by next Friday. You have my permission to punch, spindle, or mutilate, the card. Just like the USA has punched, spindled, and mutilated, countless innocent Iraqi civilians including children by launching an illegal racist and brutal war and conducting an illegal racist and brutal occupation. If you're the impatient type you can click here to see the answer. markfromireland |
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Can you say?
![]() In the mean time as I wrote here leading Democratic politicians are calling for America to "create" a new Iraq. Can you say "mission accomplished?" - Yeah I thought you could. markfromireland |
Operation Telic - Fatalities and Casualties
Operation Telic is the codename used by the British for the role of their forces in the Invasion of Iraq and its subsequent occupation. - markfromireland
Source: Hansard Notes:
Reid was also asked how many soldiers treated following service in Iraq had (a) physical injuries and (b) a mental illness. here UK readers may find his answer in which he reveals how little his department knows on this topic irritating. markfromireland |
Ethnic and religious balance in Iraqi police and security forces of the Iraqi Ministry of Defence and Iraqi Ministry of the Interior.
I subscribe to Hansard - the official report of proceedings in the British Parliament. I got this little gem in my inbox.
Source: Hansard. |
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Gin Soaked Raisin Brain Dilletante Hitchens vs. Patriot Cole
Gin Soaked Raisin Brain Dilletante Hitchens vs. Patriot Cole Go read. markfromireland Crossposted to markfromireland Postscript: As of today 2407 US service personnel and uncounted innocent Iraqi civilians, Kurd, Turkoman, Arab, Christian, and Jew alike have died in the war for which Hitchens whored out the pathetically tiny remnants of his credibility and conscience. To hell with him. mfi |
A Barefaced and Stupid Lie
The clickable thumbnail to the left links to a copy of the map presented by T. E. Lawrence to the British cabinet in 1918 of the ![]() The map is freshly relevant today because of the increasing number of calls being made by Americans such as Senator Joe Biden for Iraq to be carved up. Biden and his co-author of the NYT editorial Gelb have been peddling this line for a while. (See today's: Juan Cole.) That such a suggestion should be peddled by politicians such as Biden, rightwingers such as Gelb who devoted massive effort to supporting the drive to war against Iraq and self-appointed "experts" such as the cynically racist "Let Them Have Their Civil War" Caleb Carr is unsurprising. Their commitment to American neocolonialist hegemony in the Middle East is only slightly less blatant than that of the Bush regime itself, and the backstory that Iraq qua Iraq is a wholly artificial construct left over from the twilight of the British Raj has the virtue of sounding plausible to the nororiously ill-informed American public particularly when wrapped up in tones of dulcet concern for the rights of women and minorities. But there's a problem: It's a barefaced lie. Worse it's a stupid barefaced lie. To say that present day Iraq is the result of British imperialists carving up the defeated Ottoman empire is to ignore a few inconvenient facts well-known to every Iraqi.
It is true that under the Ottomans Iraq was divided into three military regions consisting of Mosul, Baghdad and Basra. It is however completely untrue to say as these American politicians and their supporting choir of pundits are now trying to claim that "Iraq" did not exist. Anyone who knows even the slightest amount of the region's history knows that Iraq did indeed exist. Anyone who knows even the slightest amount of the region's history knows that the people who lived in the three Ottoman provinces of Mosul, Baghdad, and Basra, referred to themselves in writing and speech as "Iraqis." Anyone who knows even the slightest amount of Iraq's history knows that those people considered the city of Baghdad to be the center and natural capital of the region formed by the three provinces. And anyone who has read even a few Official Ottoman documents of the period knows that the Ottomans agreed with them, referred to the three provinces collectively as "Iraq," and ran the place accordingly. The calls by Biden and his like are further proof if further proof were needed of the rampant imperialism that has infected the entire American body politic like a cancer for more than a generation. They are proof that the American political elite is trying to disassemble Iraq. That the American political elite is trying to smash Iraq and then say: "Well the Iraqis broke it so we own it. The American political elite wants to spin this as an Iraqi initiative and pretend that Iraqis want an ethnic government. The American political elite wants to silence those Iraqi voices, calling for unity such as Al-Sadr and Grand Ayatollah Sistani. And under Bush the American political elite has shown that there is no attrocity to which they will not stoop to achieve this end. Of course the have to show their humane and caring side: "The choice I’m proposing can give all of us -- Republicans, Independents, Democrats, Americans -- realistic hope that our sacrifices in Iraq were not in vain. "(Biden's Speech last two lines - the sacrifices forced upon the Iraqis don't of course count.) Expect more from the Biden Band and Chorus along the lines of: "we lost 2,400 troops and all that money so we deserve something for all our sacrifice and anyway we're the good guys - right?" Wrong. Biden & Co are merely giving the neoconservative project a pragmatic little tweaking in a place or two so that it runs smoother. Next stops Iran and then Syria, or maybe Syria first and then Iran. I wonder when we can expect Senator Biden turn up to the American Enterprise Institute and deliver a short speech: "Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small Given his history of blatant plagiarism* I hope he remembers to provide attribution. markfromireland *Plagiarism: A polite word for stealing. Click the link and scroll down a bit I promise it's worth it - mfi. |
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Iranian Purchase TorM1 further update
Full RNIA Novosti story here Search results Novosti Search term = Tor M1 |
Monday, May 01, 2006
3 British Mercenaries killed in Iiraq
![]() Today's main posting is here as the title suggests it deals with the death of three British mercenaries reported killed in Iraq. This posting covers some technicalaspects of the bombing that caused their deaths. The bombing was at Al-Suwaira (a town south of Baghdad). According to the local police they were killed when when a tire of the car they were in exploded. Take a look at the photo. Take a second look maybe this composite with helpful added pointer will help: ![]() I gather they've now retracted that claim. I'm going to pretend I believe it was made in good faith and not by a group of men terrified that they'd be blamed, terrified for their lives, and casting about desperately for a plausible lie. The awful thing is they're going to be blamed anyway. The even more awful thing is that in that town they do actually try against insuperable odds to do their job and now they're between the proverbial rock and hard place. God have pity on them nobody else will. markfromireland PS: Happy third anniversary of a heckuva a job getting the mission accomplished. Heckuva a job. mfi |
Sunday, April 30, 2006
In order to save the newsrack, it was necessary to destroy it
Movie Promotion Confused With Bomb in L.A. Saturday April 29, 2006 11:16 PM "SANTA CLARITA, Calif. (AP) - A newspaper promotion for Tom Cruise's upcoming ``Mission: Impossible III'' got off to an explosive start when a county arson squad blew up a news rack, thinking it contained a bomb. Can't .... breathe ..... must ...... stop ....... laughing ....... Bwaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. ![]() Bwaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. The first thing the very first thing a responsible felix does is to assess the threat level including, quite particularly and especially including whether a sodding threat exists in the first place. Whatever unfuckingbelievably unforgivably pathetically unprofessional shitbag was the officer involved in this monumental display of incompetence and grandstanding needs to be flung off the nearest high building sans parachute for the protection of the public. Christ protect anyone unfortunate enough to be dependent upon muscleminded tankbrained stupid numbskulled incompetent assholes like that in a real crisis. (Then they wonder why people who really have experience of dealing with terrorist threats and of cleaning up the aftermath despise them as incompetent grandstanding twats.) Fucking hell, somebody should print that article and arrange for it to be sent to Osama Bin-Laden it's guaranteed to incapacitate him for years as it's difficult to run a terrorist organisation while rolling on the floor shrieking with laughter. Incompetent fuckwits. markfromireland |
Continuing to Defend Their Country
![]() Despite how she has failed them. It's called patriotism. Update: Via Nur's site here's the link to Photo Gallery from Newsday. markfromireland |